Restrictions Easing at Last
Oct 26, 2021
Restrictions easing at last
HIA has welcomed the early easing of restrictions for construction – securing a return to better productivity for many small-scale sites.
Many restrictions were removed at the 70%, rather than 80% vaccination milestone and this will allow more workers on sites and importantly our renovators to go back working in occupied homes.
The other restrictions to go a bit earlier than expected included the attestation requirements and the authorised worker permits. Better movement of workers between Melbourne and Regional Victoria has been allowed. But it is anticipated the 3 site a week rule for specialist contractors will now only be lifted at the 80% milestone.
Display homes and colour selection centres will also have to wait to reopen at the 80% milestone – scheduled for 6pm this Friday, 29th October.
The last 3 months have been extremely challenging and we hope that these latest changes represent a genuine beginning of a recovery and will allow members to return to ‘business as usual’ particularly once the 80% milestone is reached.
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